Friday, July 22, 2011


Well, two weeks y'all!

Our excitement is taking over. Can't you tell by my use of wedding colors???

It is definitely safe to say THE BIG DAY anticipation is building. So far there have been two days this week when I have not slept well because I'm constantly thinking about last minute wedding-y things. My desire to take on a million tasks is both enjoyable and slightly stressful. I guess it's eustress? On a walk with the dogs the other day we both confessed that we're feeling a bit nervous- not about getting married, but about the minor things we still seem to need to do. Really there isn't much left, but it feels like there are umpteen things to do. I love my sleep, and I am not a fan of opening my eyes, suddenly wide awake, looking at the clock and seeing that it reads 2:39. Screw you, internal clock telling me I shouldn't be sleeping. Screw. You. And not in the enjoyable way.

Nick helped me finish the wedding programs (don't you just love the idea of tying 120 bows? Doesn't it make you just go ooooo?) I had fun yesterday buying goodies you will see as part of the whole wedding experience. I went to a Jewish bakery to ask about challah, and we might need something larger than a sedan to transport what we have in mind.

Somehow we seem to have taken care of non-dire aspects of the wedding, and didn't really come up with wedding music ideas until this week (or at least I didn't). And we love music! Fail.

Tomorrow we have a woman coming to the house to bring our marriage license paperwork. Our coordinator told us about the long and hideous process of applying via the LA Courthouse + finding a notary, and we decided that idea sucked. So instead this woman will come to us, bring everything, and is a notary! Thus comes to the next major decision...

What will my new name be? Duh duh duhhhhhhh (visualize the man with curly mustache drumming his fingers together, looking both thoughtful and mysterious). But you know...Kelly minus the masculine features.

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