At last! We're in the home stretch of this whole wedding thing! I must say, Nick and I are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for the wedding day to just be here!
Our photographer Aileen emailed us the link to view our engagement photos, and there are a ton of them. It took some time to click through each photo, but we are happy to have some winners in the bunch.
Last night we met with our florist Inna of Butterfly Florals and saw a sample set up of the arrangements. They look great! We've hashed out the last minute details with Inna and then had our meeting with Amber, our wedding coordinator. She cheerily gave us numerous forms we now have to think about (name changing instruction, how to apply for a marriage license, etc). LA County apparently makes it rather difficult to go through the whole marriage license process. While I've felt pretty okay about the wedding day itself, we definitely started to feel the "whhhaat??" part when she broke down the entire wedding day, hour by hour. Basically, I need to be at the wedding site at 12 noon. The wedding doesn't even start until 6. By the time I arrive at noon, my hair should already be done. I should be eating a little after 12 at the wedding site. Makeup fits in somewhere...Nick is supposed to arrive by 3 so we can have our couple photos taken at 3:30, and the rest of the bridal party and some family need to arrive by 4:30 or so for more photos. While I'm still happy to have the wedding in August and outside, I honestly didn't think I would need to be dressed in full wedding garb outside in LA at 3. Is there any sort of sweat sucking injection I can use? Yikes.
We've received most of the RSVPs- thank you! One of our many new tasks- seating chart...
Nick and I started researching wedding program wording, and I started the programs yesterday. We also need to figure out the wedding reception song...who has a song that is "their song" nowadays?
What else...I had my second dress fitting today, and it's looking great! Last fitting is in a few weeks...on Saturday we meet with Rabbi Jim again to discuss more ceremony details.
That probably isn't everything, but my mind is slightly frazzled with all of the last few things we need to knock out...August 6th, we are so looking forward to seeing you. August 5th too, because the rehearsal dinner should be great too :-)
Can't wait to see everybody!!!
Also, the copyright info didn't show up on the photo I posted...Aileen Secord of Aileen Secord Photography took this photo, and I love it! Thanks Aileen!
11 years ago
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