Man O man, yet again it's been a while. So what's happened since I posted my last ramble?
We have booked a few of the primary vendors we needed to confirm asap. We decided that we definitely wanted to go with a DJ versus band...that way we can definitely shake it! The DJ's name is Lee of Hey Mister DJ. I went to his website once and was hooked as soon as I checked out a few of his sample mixes. We met with him back in August...he's awesome and so nice! He's laid back (but comes super prepared) and I think he'll fit into the relaxed and fun reception we're hoping for.
We also booked our cater, which was not an easy decision. Nick and I met with Nathaniel of Contemporary Catering, sampled some food, chatted, etc. I've been really torn between his company and Auntie Em's catering, whose food and desserts I still drool over. Ultimately we went with Nathaniel- the food still being good, the price better, and we get a food station! Woo! I'm seriously contemplating booking Auntie Em's for the desserts though.
What else...we've met with one photographer, but that has been the most challenging part for us. Nick and I have looked at so many wedding pictures online, and after a while they all start looking the same. My brain is on the verge of imploding. So, I decided a wedding coordinator may save me. Karen recommended that we consider one, and at first I had horrible thoughts of psycho wedding planners taking over everything. I also thought that maybe I could handle most of the wedding planning, but graduate school plus wedding planning equals things not getting done and, as state above, head implosions. I spoke with a few recommended by our DJ, and as of last week, we have our new coordinator Amber! She has loads of experience and is insanely on top of things, but not insane herself, so that's nice :-).
Those are the main things we've done so far. We still need to order our save the dates...Nick and I are so indecisive about things, so everything takes a long time. I've picked colors...that's promising.
11 years ago