It's been a while since we've posted any wedding updates. That's because there really haven't been any updates!! We definitely took the long engagement route, and that's meant that we can do what we both love to do and excel at...procrastinate!
We had our first food tasting two weeks ago. We started with Auntie Em's Catering, which is located in Eagle Rock. Oh, and by the way, we did book the LA River Center and Gardens as our wedding site, if I didn't post that already.
Auntie Em's was fabulous. Really it is called Auntie Em's Kitchen, but they also cater. It was this small restaurant that felt like it could be a place on 4th Ave back in Tucson- which earned it points from the get-go. We both loved it- the servers were young and funky, the chef super nice, and everyone was laid back. I came armed with little- no clue about the specific foods I wanted, no theme in mind, but I did have a notebook with a single page that simply read, "I love comfort food. I can't even really describe what that means. The only thing I really care about is that the food is good. So good that my dress may start to feel really uncomfortable really fast. Almost.
We decided we're probably going to either do a buffet or food station- the latter being preferable. My initial plan I realized was going to be way too expensive and frankly, way too formal. I thought I wanted a sit-down until Nick pointed out that we'd probably want to walk around and schmooze with everyone. And then I realized that, duh, I talk too much for a sit-down dinner.
So we spoke with the lovely ladies of Auntie Em's, they fed us amazing food and best of all, desserts I raved about for the next week. I left the restaurant tempted to just say, f*ck it, screw looking at other caterers, let's book 'em. It worked out pretty well with the LA River Center and Gardens (although we did check out another wedding site and I did a lot of research online).
Anyhoo, that's the latest. I've calmed down since the tasting, and we are starting to look at the next couple of caterers we'll sample. The process is more tedious than I thought...the list of foods is overwhelming to look at (which is probably why it's taken us so long to get started).
On a more exciting note, I believe we've narrowed down our honeymoon ideas to Spain (I've always wanted to go) or an island with water sports, white beaches, and blue water. At least I think that's what we've narrowed them down to. Recently Nick's had the idea that we try to save up as much vacation time as possible so we can have a two week long honeymoon. If we go that route we'll probably do Europe...if not the island may be more what we lean towards. Who knows.